First Visit
Worship Service 10:00 am
Please consider visiting us for Sunday morning worship. Each Sunday, members and friends of First Parish gather for worship, religious exploration, and community. Our worship services are known to be inspiring, thought provoking, spiritually nurturing filled with great and diverse music, and are relevant to what is going on in the wider world. We look forward to meeting you. Our doors are always open.
What to Expect
Upon entering the front doors of First Parish, you will be warmly welcomed by one of our Sunday morning greeters. Feel free to stop by our Welcome Table, located in the foyer, fill out a name tag and connect with one our members who will be happy to answer any questions you might have. We invite you to fill out a visitor’s card; among other things, this will get you on our mailing list for our weekly eblast.
At a typical service, you will experience:
- Call to worship.
- Hymns and performed music.
- Time for all ages during which stories and discussions connected to the service theme take place and then the children are invited to go to the classrooms for Spiritual Development time.
- An Offering to either support local agencies doing good in the community (10% of weekly offering) or to support the life of the congregation. As guests, we invite you to let the offering basket pass you by.
- Sermons offered by our minister, a guest minister, a member of our staff, or a lay member of our congregation.
- Services last about an hour.
Families Visiting with Children
Thank you for visiting us with your family. At First Parish, we value our intergenerational community. We begin Sunday services as a whole community. Some services are for all generations and some begin with all generations and then after the Time for All Ages, children are sung out to their classrooms. Children and youth are also always welcome to stay in the sanctuary for the whole service.
The nursery is staffed by trained childcare workers who offer care for infants (6 weeks +) and toddlers. You are welcome to drop off your children 15 minutes before the start of the service. We ask that you keep your cell phone on vibrate and fill out the information form in the nursery. We will contact you if your child needs you. Again, you are welcome to keep your child in the service with you if you prefer.
Please join us for Coffee Hour/Fellowship
After services, we invite you to join us for coffee and conversation. Coffee hour is a great time to meet other members of our community and connect with what is going on at First Parish.