There is no such thing as doing too much to protect our democracy and our planet.
The Social Action Committee (SAC) at First Parish strives to fight for social justice on a local, state, and national level and endeavors to provide truthful information on a wide variety of relevant issues. We also regularly publicize and provide social justice-oriented opportunities that encourage church members and friends to become actively involved and put Unitarian Universalist values into practice.
Current Projects
The SAC’s weekly e-blast keeps the congregation and others informed about the work we are doing and publicizes local events/meetings and various webinars related to social justice issues. Through the e-blast we also promote a wide range of petitions that focus on issues such as curtailing fossil fuel drilling; protecting the rights of minorities, women, and LGBTQ+ individuals; passing effective gun laws; banning harmful pesticides and chemicals; and encouraging more sustainable buying habits.
We make a consistent effort to hold companies and organizations accountable for their actions by writing to corporate and or local offices, and we regularly communicate our views to our local, state, and federal representatives, often in the hope of influencing policy. By contacting our state representatives about specific pieces of MA legislation that represent our UU values, we express our commitment to seeing that these bills become law.
In addition to organizing a monthly food drive to benefit the South Shore Community Resource Council’s “Back Pack” program, which helps families in need across the South Shore, the SAC has helped to provide meals and clothing for those in need.
Our “Buy Nothing Project” encourages First Parish members and friends to give away what they no longer have any use for and to ask for items that they might need.
We also have established contact with and strive to maintain communication with other local social action committees, identifying/participating in shared goals and activities.
Anyone wishing to be added the Social Action Committee’s weekly e-blast e-mail list can sign up at (The church e-blast is sent out separately and covers different topics.)